Christmas RGB Christmas Light Spheres - AKA: Paul's Balls Our tallest tree in the front yard has never had lights on it. This year we have a plan to decorate it. Topiary Art Works makes a metal sphere for growing topiaries in. They call it a Wire Globe 20" Diameter. The nice thing about this sphere is that
Review Review: Astra Lumina We went to Astra Lumina in early February on a Friday night. They must have a good team placing their ads because I think I am the exact target audience for this and I got lots of ads in Instagram and Facebook telling me about this Garden Walk / Evening Light
Christmas Making a QR Code with RGB Christmas Light Pixels I wanted a way for viewers to see a website about the lights this year. So I tried making a QR code out of pixels. The website will have a way to vote for the show you want to see on the house with Remote Falcon, information about the lights,