Duke Dropoff

Fletch arrived at campus a few days before the official freshman drop-off date because he is in the marching band and they needed to practice for a few days. The weather was really nice and we had time to explore Durham and Greensboro while he was at band practice.

An added bonus is that Fletch's friend Abraham also started at Duke this year and also is in the marching band. Another bonus is that they randomly got assigned to be next door neighbors in their dorm.

All the stuff ready to go.
Not quite a fair representation of all their stuff because we had some bags also.
Getting his room ready.
His room is very nice. Big bed and nice desk.
Outside view of his dorm.
On campus.
In front of one of the engineering buildings.
The chapel.
Freshmen live on East Campus and take a short bus ride to the main campus. Masks required on the bus.
DUMB = Duke University Marching Band
The famous 11 foot 8 bridge is very close to campus. We drove under it twice. It has been raised up now.
Very nice little chapel that is made from an old country club. The only LDS chapel I have ever seen with so many windows.
We drove by Kari's old house in Greensboro.
We saw a big chest of drawers.
The Duke Gardens.
Line of freshmen ready to be dropped off on the official move-in day.
My first "walkin' taco" from Cookout.
Walkin' Taco. Doritos, meat, cheese, lettuce.
Bo-rounds and a biscuit from Bojangles. 
This was the official goodbye time.
The farewell zone where parents and students parted ways.